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Radiators 4u Easter Hamper Competition 2024: Results!

Radiators 4u Easter Hamper Competition 2024: Results!

Posted by Radiators 4u on 21st Mar 2024

F&M Hamper

Hop right in, everyone! 

We're thrilled to announce the winner and honourable mentions of our Easter Hamper Competition! With over 40 fabulous entries, judging was as tough as choosing a favourite chocolate in a Fortnum & Mason hamper. Each entry was a unique showcase of our beloved radiators, set against an array of creative backdrops.

And the winner is...

Lizzie Stone! 

Lizzie’s entry, featuring a striking blue 3-column radiator from Radiators 4u set in her charming kitchen, really turned up the heat! The quality of the image, the perfect complimenting of retro colours, uniqueness of the shot, and the overall composition were simply chef's kiss.

Lizzie will be cozying up with a Fortnum & Mason hamper (worth a sizzling £125!), brimming with wild boar pate, tea biscuits, dark chocolate florentines, and so much more. It's a feast fit for a king... or a queen of radiator aesthetics!

If you would like to recreate Lizzie's look, you can do so with a 3 Column Classic colour radiator which currently have a 5% discount using code CLASSIC5.

View the range

easter winner

Honourable Mentions

We also want to tip our hats to some sensational snapshots that deserve a standing ovation:

Jenny Todd for her artistic picture of a raw column radiator against a dark and moody backdrop.

Kevin Varley for his endearing white column radiator shot with his spotty Dalmatian companion stealing the spotlight.

Penny Lawlor for the seamless blend of her pristine white radiator with the stork-adorned wallpaper.

Phil Butler for his sleek raw radiator making a statement on a polished wooden floor against a raspberry wall.

Sarah Peters for her Wes Anderson-esque photo of a cast iron radiator in a loft room, giving us all the vintage vibes.

View all Entries

A big thank you to everyone who warmed our hearts with their entries. Remember to turn the dial up on your creativity for our next competition, and keep those shutters clicking!

Want to see more of the radiators that are keeping homes both warm and stylish? 

Check out our  customer gallery to see all the entries and find inspiration for your own space.

Until next time, stay toasty with Radiators 4u!

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